Meet the Team: Amy Johns, Senior Tax Associate

In the hot-seat this month is Amy Johns.

Amy joined us just over six months ago but is already going from strength to strength:  she has just been promoted to Senior Tax Associate!

Here's a little bit about what makes Amy tick...

Can you tell us a bit about your new role: how do you fit into the company, and what does your day-to-day work look like? 

A large part of my role involves writing detailed and robust reports that describe the R&D activities undertaken by our clients in support of their R&D claim. I predominantly work with our clients within the sector of architecture and part of my new role involves leading the project meetings (on teams), whereby I sit with either the managing directors of a company or the architects involved in the projects and discuss the jobs they’ve undertaken to locate the areas of R&D. Over the next few months, I will begin to take on a greater degree of client-facing activity which I very much look forward to. I can’t wait to eventually be able to do the process in person once lockdown has been lifted!

What did you do before working at Wilby Jones?

I went to the University of East Anglia and studied BA Geography for three years. After completing my degree, I took a few months out to travel around South East Asia before starting at Wilby Jones.

What is your favourite part of your role?

I really enjoy getting to know our clients and building a relationship with them via the project meetings as it then feels even more rewarding knowing we’ve helped them in some way through reducing their tax bill! I also love that I am constantly able to learn whilst at work; I knew that I didn’t want to be in a position where I wasn’t being challenged so like that this role allows me to do so.

How do you unwind after a long day at work?

Cooking is a hobby of mine so after a day in the office I like to go home and whip up something delicious for dinner, then kick back and watch some Netflix!

What does your perfect weekend look like?

My perfect weekend would definitely involve a bit of retail therapy, followed by eating out somewhere nice, socialising with friends and enjoying the sunny weather.

Amy Johns

Get in contact with us to see how we can help you apply for your R&D Tax Credits